Sunday 19 December 2010

I'm dreaming of a green Christmas

... just like the ones we used to know!

falling snow yesterday
 But I don't think it's going to happen: 15 cm of snow came down yesterday, and hard frosts are forecast all week. Here are a few pics from yesterday and today.

Yucca x karlsruhensis

"frost-resistant" rhubarb pot

When icicles hang by the wall...


  1. Dear John,

    it has been such a pleasure to follow your blog this year. Blogs like yours really does make a difference in a gardenfreak`s life.

    Wishing you and all your loved ones a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year filled with flowers and wonderful gardenadventures....and a short winter followed by a long spring.

    Lots of snow-greetings from Denmark,
    ¤ THE GARDENFREAK AUNTIE GREEN ¤....who`s also dreaming of a green Christmas....

  2. Dear John, here (North of Italy) temperatures dropped in one day to
    -15°C. Luckily the plants were covered with a 10 cm layer of snow!
    All the best


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