Friday 22 July 2011

Morning ‘Mönch’

Aster × frikartii ‘Mönch’
According to Graham Stuart Thomas (Perennial Garden Plants): 'one of the six best plants, and should be in every garden. (Please do not ask for the names of the other five!).'


  1. On this plant I have to disagree with Mr. Thomas. In the Netherlands the performance of this plant is not very convincing. If the plant survives our wet winters it usually produces a few flowering stems that almost always flop to all sides. I think there are better asters than this one. Why this plant deserves an AGM is something that I don't understand. Does this plant do well in the UK?

    Greetings, Garden Prince

  2. This is an outstanding plant here in Ireland.

  3. I wonder if there are different clones under this name?


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