Wednesday 2 March 2011

Unexpected sunshine

A lovely day developed from an unpromising forecast of overcast gloom...

Crocus 'Golden Yellow'

Anemone-centred hellebore, from Ashwood Nurseries
Galanthus 'Primrose Warburg'

Galanthus nivalis (unnamed selection) and Cyclamen coum

Cyclamen coum, Paeonia mairei

Galanthus plicatus 'Diggory'

Crocus tommasinianus x vernus, Primula vulgaris 'Taigetos'

Daphne mezereum var. rubra

Galanthus plicatus 'Greenfinch'


  1. That unnamed Galanthus nivalis selection is very nice John, I believe we have seen it before on your blog.

  2. It is so wonderful to see all your flowers about two weeks ahead of us. You featured two snowdrops on my most wanted list: 'Diggory' (so distinct) and 'Primrose Warburg' (such a colorful person). I wonder how PW compares to 'Wendy's Gold'?

  3. I like to think that variety is not limited here in the Indiana, USA. However, when I see you photos, I am reminded that there are parts of the world that aren't as hot or cold. It's like going to Oregon after being in the desert.

    I make do with what I've got.


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