Friday 25 February 2011

Flowering now at Colesbourne Park

View from the wood: Leucojum vernum in foreground.
Crocus tommasinianus 'Whitewell Purple'

Cyclamen coum, Galanthus 'S. Arnott'

Galanthus 'S. Arnott'

Galanthus krasnovii

Iris 'Katherine Hodgkin'

Scilla bifolia 'Praecox'

Galanthus 'James Backhouse'

Galanthus 'James Backhouse'


  1. John,

    Envious of all these beautiful spring flowers. Especially like the Crocus tommasinianus in mass. Whould not know what to do with myself if I saw all those snow drops like that.

  2. I can't wait until our snow (60 cm) goes... under I have all this. You can enjoy it all - we can wait for another two months... Happy spring. I'll post you at my facebook profile :)

  3. Great to see Galanthus krasnovii. Does it like year round dampness?

    I had a brief glimpse of our nivalis here last night as the heavy rains took much of the snow away. There was G. nivalis with its flower buds 2" above ground since late January when we had a sudden cold snap. It is still looking fine though the ground frozen is solid as rock & probably frozen down 2 feet. This certainly is testimony to nivalis' hardiness. They are again buried under a skid of new snow and it's cold. Maybe in a few weeks....

    Lovely tommies at Colesbourne.

    john in coastal NS

  4. Dear John,

    these adorable springphotos make me long desperately for the thick carpet of snow here to melt. I would much prefer beautiful carpets of springflowers instead.

    All the best,
    Auntie Green (with envy:o)


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