Tuesday 18 January 2011

A beautiful day at Colesbourne

Galanthus elwesii var. monostictus 'J. Haydn'
- the best of the 'composers'

Dogwood and willow stems

Salix caprea 'Colesbourne' - a free-flowering,
very early pussy-willow, found here.

Will Fletcher's lines of raked leaves snake
 round the paths like an art installation.

Lonicera 'Winter Beauty'

Galanthus plicatus 'Colossus'

Berberis - unknown species/cultivar.
The berries are a superb feature all winter, and must be
very nasty to avoid being scoffed by the birds.


  1. John, Love the snowdrop 'J. Haydn' and wonder how it compares to 'Potter's Prelude' which I think you also have. 'Potter's Prelude' blooms here in November. [I know you are busy, but I couldn't resist. I won't be insulted if you don't have time to respond.]

  2. John,

    Enjoyed the snow drops. We have a huge private garden nearby they have a snow drop path that has 1000s of snow drops, yet I have never hooked up a visit. maybe I should work on that. I think the leaf path is pretty cool if the wind does not sweep them away.

  3. @Carolyn: 'J. Haydn' is much superior to PP in flower & vigour etc, as they grow here, but PP flowers well before Xmas and so is useful.

    @Randy: the leaf-lines are only there to assist picking them up to take for composting.

  4. Very pretty - I like the lines of leaves - and I wish I had a berry bearing berberis instead of one with just savage thorns

  5. John, Thank you for answering my question, which of course leads to another: is there a cultivar that blooms concurrently with Potter’s that is of finer quality in your opinion?


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