Monday 18 June 2012

Enjoying the garden

Dianthus barbatus 'Heart Attack'

Dactylorhiza  x grandis Blackthorn clone

Goatsbeard 'clock' (Tragopogon pratensis)

Eryngium alpinum

Rodgersia nepalensis

Iris pseudacorus 'Berlin Tiger'

Aquilegia atrata in the meadow

Arisaema ciliatum var. liubaense

Many thanks to all who came to the garden party on Sunday afternoon: we raised almost £700 for Lerang'wa Primary School.  Alice Munsey did a great job selling plants...


  1. So many choice plants there John, especially the Rodgersia!

  2. Still some Rodgersia plants for sale...

  3. My Goatsbeard clocks (though I havent heard them called that before) are just soggy not very fluffy at all

  4. the perfect name for that dianthus


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