Monday 19 May 2014

Chelsea snapshots

Strawberry 'Christine', from Ken Muir

Avon Bulbs featured the dark-leaved honesty, Lunaria annua 'Chedglow, which attracted a lot of sttention.

A living wall of Begonia rex 'Rumba' (Enterprise Plants)

Predictable but always stunning - Blom's tulips

Immaculate brassicas, part of the Southwest England in Bloom exhibit.

Cayeux irises, fully open this year!

The revolution in growing cypripediums from seed makes this display by Jacques Amand possible.

The tremendous diversity of foxgloves exhibited by the Botanic Nursery.

I loved this combination on Hardy's Plants huge display: Cirsium heterophyllum and Miscanthus 'Cosmopolitan'

The alpine beauties shown by Kevock Gardens were struggling a bit with the heat, but still looked radiant today.

A general view of the Great Pavilion, filled with excellent displays. The media coverage of the show gardens is disproportionate: let's hope the BBC gives decent attention to the Pavilion during its coverage of the show.

The portrait of Nelson Mandela created from the bases of Protea flowers by the Kirstenbosch team: it takes form when viewed from  a distance.


  1. I was surprised how empty the Pavillion was for most of the day yesterday. I think the trouble is the sponsors of showgardens spend one on novelties to attract the press and thats what sells the papers etc which is a huge pity. I love that Lunaria, sold loads at Malvern when I was helping Avon Bulbs and have some seed to sow for myself

  2. Just when Cirsium rivulare atropurp is finally becoming thinly available in the U.S., here's another Chelsea thistle to covet. I see it's a native of Great Britain. A Calif native thistle in my garden, Cirsium occidentale, just expired in a recent heat wave, so I'm currently thistleless -- a pitiable state of being!


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