Saturday 8 March 2014

Pulmonaria 'Cally Hybrid', an excellent soft blue, with rather large flowers.
The garden is now full of colour and interest once more and it was extremely pleasant to be outside weeding this afternoon. Although bulbous plants still dominate the show but there are many herbaceous plants and alpines coming into flower or attractive new growth: this is a selection.

Helleborus 'Penny's Pink': except in full sun I find this a rather dull flower, but it is redeemed by its floriferousness and the beautiful mottled foliage.

Hacquetia epipactis 'Thor'

Saxifraga iranica 'Cumulus' is an easy charmer.

The flowers of Callianthemum anemonoides recline on the ground.

Primula vulgaris 'Taigetos' is a superb recent introduction by Broadleigh Gardens.

The variegated Primula denticulata 'Karryan' has yet to elongate its scapes, so the flowers are still deep in the leaf rosettes.

Striking colour in the emerging shoots of Lunaria rediviva 'Partway White'

The mounds of foliage of Anthriscus sylvestris 'Going for Gold' really need a solid dark  foil to show off to best advantage: perhaps a big-leaved Bergenia would do the trick.


  1. Oh, these all look lovely! You are way ahead of us. I just wrote a post about first snowdrops!

  2. Hello, John. How hopeful to see the Primrose in bloom somewhere! With another 10” of snow here in NY State, we will have to wait a bit for ours. Lovely photos, thank you.


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