Sunday 11 March 2012

Hellebores - which do you like?


  1. Dear John.
    Now, which one do I like? Well, they´re all gorgeous. However, I quite like the greenish ones best, like flower no. 3 and no. 6. They look very special and lovely, to me. Like emeralds!
    Have a nice evening. Best regards, Fie.

  2. ... very hard to say, they are so beautiful every one of them. Number three from the top, though, seems to be my favourite.

    I put one of the pink ones on my blog today, feel free to take a look:

    Kind regards, Ulla

  3. John,

    I like all of those, maybe someday in our garden. The dark red ones we are flooded with. The first and last ones would be my first choices. I am pretty happy with the ones we already have, still got new ones opening.

  4. john in coastal Nova Scotia13 March 2012 at 14:25

    Lovely colours but I must say - and I am probably alone here - I do not like full doubles. The anemones are tolerable and some even charming but to me it's the singles that are the supreme beauties.

  5. These are all beautiful. I also love the slatey grey and almost black ones.


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