A nice diverse display of plants at the RHS Show in London today, on a really lovely spring day. Here are a few pictures of plants that caught my eye. Narcissus 'Camborne', raised by Alec Gray and shown by Brian Duncan, who is now also producing some lovely miniature daffodils; Rhododendron irroratum 'Polka Dot' from Exbury; the winning entry in the Camellia competition (exhibitor not noted, I'm afraid); the Alpine Garden Society's show bench, with three entries following; Pleione grandiflora; Sempervivum ciliosum var. galicicum from Ochrid; Fritillaria yuminense, relatively recently introduced from China, with extraordinary pale mauve flowers; Fritillaria raddeana on Jacques Amand's stand in the New Hall.
No one does a flower show like you do in Britain: I can't imagine the skill and organization that goes into each of these. And you have them all the time! Not fair!