Betula ermanii 'Grayswood Hill' in the Yorkshire Arboretum, October |
Earlier this year, the monograph
The Genus Betula by Kenneth Ashburner and Hugh McAllister appeared from Kew Publishing. With birches now looking good in the beauty of their bark, and recently in the gold of their autumn leaves, this seems a good time to post the full text of a review I wrote for
Garden Design Journal, which appeared (slightly abridged) in its October 2013 issue.
‘Long-awaited’ is an apt expression for this book, which has
not only been long-delayed, but long-needed as a contemporary review of the
whole genus Betula from both
botanical and horticultural perspectives.
Curtis’s Botanical Magazine Monographs, published by Kew,
are a series of finely-produced, authoritative monographs that continue the
tradition of the oldest scientific journal in the world of blending botanical
accuracy with horticultural information and fine illustration. The Genus Betula is no exception, being
a chunky book full of good photographs and enhanced by many excellent paintings
by Josephine Hague and line drawings by Andrew Brown. The authors, Kenneth
Ashburner and Hugh McAllister, worked together on Betula for many years before Kenneth’s death in 2010, after which
Hugh completed the book, but it is very definitely a joint production bringing
together many decades-worth of study, including travel by both authors to study
birches in many remote places. One of the results of this is the inspiring
arboretum at Stone Lane Gardens, Ashburner’s former home in Devon, where groves
of birch saplings from the same collection were planted together. This gives a
unique opportunity to study natural variation, but is also very beautiful and
well worth visiting.
Betula medwedewii: a rare species from the Caucasus and eastern Turkey (Yorkshire Arboretum, October). |
The diversity of
is perhaps surprising. Occurring throughout the cooler – and often coldest –
parts of the northern hemisphere, 45 species are recognised here, a mixture of
the familiar elegant trees and a number of shrubby species. Although often
attractive in the wild, with nice autumn colour, most of the small species are
of ‘botanical interest only’, seldom performing well in gardens. Of the taller
trees it is clear that there are many possibilities for new introductions
bringing new characters to the garden, such as the Vietnamese
B. insignis var.
fansipanensis with purple-flushed new growth, and for selecting
superior cultivars. This book should also serve to remind gardeners of the
existence of many fine species that are seldom planted, such as the magnificent
B. grossa for which there are no
current suppliers in the UK. In these times when tree diseases are so
alarmingly prevalent we need as much diversity as possible.
B. utilis subsp. jacquemontii from the western Himalaya usually, but not always, has good white bark, and numerous selections are valued for this quality. This specimen is at Arboretum Kalmthout (Feb 2013) |
The Chinese B. utilis subsp. albosinensis typically has richly coloured bark:, but this and other features form a continuum with the broad species B. utilis. This one from Sichuan is at the reddest end of the spectrum (Yorkshire Arboretum, 2012) |
The Genus Betula
is principally a botanical book, discussing birches from a taxonomic and
biological view. The authors’ reasoning for their opinions is clearly stated
and I find it convincing. There are two major nomenclatural changes that will
raise a few eyebrows, but from the evidence presented seem sensible: the
inclusion of B. albosinensis in B. utilis, as subsp. albosinensis, and the inclusion (also as
subspecies) in B. pendula of the
Chinese B. szechuanica and the Far
Eastern Asian -Alaskan B. mandschurica. In
these cases they are taken as representing the extremes in a continuum of
variation. For the horticulturist there is a general chapter of the cultivation
of birches, reminding us particularly of their shallow-rooted nature and the
great desirability of planting them young, and each species has a note on its
particular merits or demerits in cultivation. A chapter on birch cultivars by
Paul Bartlett, who runs Stone Lane Gardens, is useful but I should have liked
to see a fuller description of each, and they are not illustrated, which is unfortunate. All in all, however, this is a useful book and will be a standard
reference for years to come.
A less extreme colour form of B. utilis subsp. albosinensis, Purdom 752 from western Gansu, long-known in cultivation as B. albosinensis var. septentrionalis, a name not upheld in The Genus Betula (Yorkshire Arboretum 2012). |