Thursday, 16 February 2012

An incredible new record

Galanthus woronowii 'Elizabeth Harrison'
In an Ebay auction that ended this afternoon, a bulb of Galanthus woronowii 'Elizabeth Harrison' was sold for £725.10, by a vendor in Scotland. This is more than twice the previous record of £369 paid recently for 'Green Tear' and is an absolutely extraordinary price to pay for a single bulb, but I understand that the sum raised is going back to the elderly discoverer.

It must be said, however, that 'Elizabeth Harrison' is unique, being the first and only known yellow form of G. woronowii and therefore of considerable galanthophilic interest. I hope, however, that the purchaser understands that G. woronowii does not respond well to chipping, so that natural division provides the only safe method of increasing the stock.


  1. they have just got to keep it alive now !!!!

  2. Wow, what a price! It must be said that it is a wonderfully beautiful snowdrop and this price is for a good cause. I'm delighted for Ian and the Harrison family.

    I don't understand how they thought I was from Scotland though.

  3. Gosh I have just dug up two 'ordinary' g. woronowii to give to a friend who knows little of snowdrops, (as me) but was charmed by the deep green leaves: will have to tell him to keep an eye on them in case one turns yellow!

  4. My family is planning to visit next Sunday, just down the road but only discovered through article in Telegraph magazine.

  5. John, if woronowii doesn't respond well to chipping, are we to expect a better response from tissue culture?


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