Tuesday 29 April 2014

With a smart phone in Ray Wood

Unknown hybrid Rhododendron: not too bad a pic, but slightly 'flat'.
Having been shamed into exchanging my old 'brick' for a smartphone recently, and (remarkably) had it in my pocket this morning when I was in Ray Wood. Having no other camera with me I thought it would be worth trying the phone's camera to capture a record of the tremendous display currently to be seen there. These are a few of the results, with annotations. Clearly the phone camera is not totally useless, in a pinch, but I hope I don't have to use it too often.

A very flattened view of quite a pleasing combination. Many of these pics remind me of an early colour copy of National Geographic.

Rhododendron augustinii 'Electra': the camera has failed to catch the beautiful blue of this amazing clone, and most detail of the flowers is gone too.

The strangely dulled effect is clearly seen here, although the azalea doesn't fare too badly. It's labelled 'Tsuta-Momiji', but doesn't fit the description of that in the Rhododendron Register.

Well-focused, and the flower colour is OK, but again 'flat'. Rhododendron amesiae, considered to be Critically Endangered in the wild by the IUCN.

Rhododendron petrocharis

Expanding foliage of R. kesangiae: an acceptable image.

And a good shot of Shortia soldanelloides, an astonishing long-term survivor.

1 comment:

  1. john in coastal Nova Scotia22 May 2014 at 17:36

    re: the absolutely sensational unknown rhodo leading off this posting. My first thought was a souliei hybrid. I relayed the photo to Alleyne Cook in Vancouver who could very well have planted it and he was awestruck but didn't recall it. Harold Greer said "‘Soulbut Group’ (R. souliei x R. fortunei ‘Mrs. Charles Butler’) or the ‘Souldis Group’ (R. souliei x R. fortunei ssp. discolor). Both were hybrids that were around then." Ken Cox said : "Looks like a campylocarpa fortunea mix like most of this shade.".


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